Thursday, December 29, 2011
Whimsic Alley
I recently heard about a Harry Potter themed store, called Whimsic Alley, located in Los Angeles. I have NO idea how I wasn’t aware of this sooner. While they were in town for Christmas, I took my parents, who are also big Harry Potter fans, to this store located on Wilshire Blvd. The large space was set up to look like a row of stores in Diagon Alley. Each little section sold different things; for instance, there was a store for robes, one for jewelry, one for wands, one for magical supplies. They also had a ton of merchandise from all of the various films. They did a great job of staying in theme with Harry Potter magic. I spent a while browsing every little item they had, and eventually settled on buying a large bag with the Hogwarts crest on it. It was a hard decision between that and a necklace with a snitch charm.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Work Christmas Party
My office held their annual holiday party this week. I wasn’t able to attend last year because I had the flu, so this was the first one I’d ever attended. We went to a really nice restaurant nearby called Buffalo Club. They had a little lounge area and long table set up for us in the back. I couldn’t decide between 2 different items on the menu, and one of my coworkers was having the same trouble with the same items, so we each ordered one and then split it! Before our food arrived, we played a White Elephant gift exchange. I’d never done a gift exchange like that before. It was a great way to handle a work gift giving situation, so that no one has to buy a bunch of gifts, no one is left out, and no one’s gift is perceived as unpopular. I ended up with a pair of AMC Gold Experience passes and a bunch of movie theater candy, which was a pretty perfect gift for me.
Monday, December 12, 2011
We stayed at this really cool resort in Park City, the same place where Sundance takes place. While we were there, we went tubing, which was so much fun! I don’t think I could ever be coordinated enough to go skiing or snowboarding or whatever, so this was much more up my alley. All you have to do is sit in a inner-tube and fly down a hill. It was great!!!
I really want to go back someday. Utah was so beautiful in the winter.
Friday, December 9, 2011
After months of talking about it, I’ve finally joined a gym! A couple of the girls from work and I went in on it and only have to pay a very reasonable fee. Conveniently, one of the gyms is right next door to my work. It’s not one of the fancier gyms in LA, but it’ll do for what I need it for. I only know how to use a few of the machines, but hopefully I’ll be able to figure out the other ones.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?

Anyway, after that, the signing started. I figured it wouldn’t take very long to get through the line, but then it turned out that she was spending a little time with each person, plus signing the book and taking a picture. Which is nice and all, but it made the wait time quite a bit longer! During my wait, I started reading the book and actually got through half of it! After nearly 2 hours, I made it to the front of the line! Mindy signed my book and then the employee took an awkward camera phone picture because I forgot my camera. Oh well.

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