As I woke up at 4am for the second day in a row, it dawned on me: I’m too old for this shit. This shit, of course, being waking up super early, standing in line for 5 hours, and then sitting in a room for 9 hours while subsisting on granola bars and a smashed sandwich. For the second day in a row, at least. I had a revelation: one day of Hall H per Comic Con is plenty. Had I known I was going to come to this conclusion, I might have chosen that day to be Saturday instead of Friday, but hey, what can you do. So I went back to bed for a few hours.
Now the question was, what to do now that I had a whole day free of Hall H? Well, if there’s one thing I can’t get enough of, it’s the Exhibit Hall. Luckily, it can take a whole 4-day Con to see the whole thing, it’s so enormous. So we trekked down to the convention center and starting going
up and down the aisles. I think this was a better year for swag given out in the Hall, I feel like I got quite a lot of stuff this year. Also, I bought more stuff than I normally do. I’ll make a separate post about all the cool things I found!
Not to mention, this fabulous man dressed as Ursula from The Little Mermaid. He was working those tentacles!!
Later on in the afternoon, my mom (who LOVES Lego) and I went to panel called Lego As Art Form, which was about, well, people who use Legos to make their art! One of the panelists actually makes a living from it, and has had art shows around the world, using only Legos. This picture is of the Colbert Report set made of Lego!
We did actually end up making it into Hall H, but not until much, much later than planned! Kevin Smith always has the last panel of the day on Saturday, and luckily, by then most of the crowd has thinned out (though it did fill up quite a bit after that!). Erin and I are both avid listeners of his podcast network, SmodCo, so we always make a point to attend this panel. He talked about Clerks 3, as well as another film he’s working on called Tusk, which seriously sounds amazing and I can’t wait to see it.
So Saturday ended up being a pretty decent day after all!
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