The area where they hold the craft faires (and other events as well) is decorated to look like the Great Hall at Hogwarts - check out the 'floating' candles! It's a really cool effect.
There were some really great booths - there was one selling all kinds of necklaces with amazing charms - like golden snitches, Bag End doors, scissors, staplers, owls, etc; and of course one with really clever t-shirts; and another selling iPad cases. This was one of my favorite booths - Crafted Cuteness. These adorable girls were selling all kinds of amigurumis of Pokemons, My Little Ponies, and all kinds of other cute crocheted things.
I ended up buying a couple necklaces from Whimsical Forest - one had a charm of a miniature Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire book, and the other was a little bottle of blue liquid (which also glows in the dark!) labeled Expecto Patronum! She had a ton of similar charms - I was torn between this one and a bottle of Felix Felicis.

Here’s an example of part of the store, to show how it’s segmented into smaller stores.
I found Platform 9 3/4!! I considered running at the wall to see what would happen, but then decided against it.
Their Staff Only signs were so clever! Other ones said “Potions Chamber” and “Pit of Disaster - Don’t Even Think About Entering.”
I ended up buying a couple necklaces from Whimsical Forest - one had a charm of a miniature Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire book, and the other was a little bottle of blue liquid (which also glows in the dark!) labeled Expecto Patronum! She had a ton of similar charms - I was torn between this one and a bottle of Felix Felicis.

Here’s an example of part of the store, to show how it’s segmented into smaller stores.
I found Platform 9 3/4!! I considered running at the wall to see what would happen, but then decided against it.
Their Staff Only signs were so clever! Other ones said “Potions Chamber” and “Pit of Disaster - Don’t Even Think About Entering.”
Thanks for attending and reviewing!