On Tuesday night, I saw Interstellar and it was AMAZING. It's been in my consciousness for quite some time, ever since Christopher Nolan announced it would be his next film, and then no further information was released basically ever. I didn't know anything about it, but with Nolan's track record, I was on board. I tried not to read too much about it beforehand so I could watch it with an open mind, and I was mostly successful.

Interstellar is almost 3 hours long, but it's one of those movies you're kind of glad is long, because you want to keep being within the world of the story. It follows Matthew McConaughey (you better believe I Googled his name for the current spelling) as a former astronaut, who is currently a farmer because the world needs food more than it needs space exploration. He becomes involved with an expedition to find a new world for humanity to live on and escape the dying earth. SO much more stuff than that happens, with themes of love, humanity, morality, science, and thinking fourth-dimensionally. It's for sure going to be an awards contender, so make sure to see it!! I want to try and see it again before it leave theaters; I think it will be a very different watch the second time around.
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