Monday, August 31, 2015

Weekend Roundup - Fire Alarms, Trips to the Valley, & Comic Books

Saturday morning was pretty lazy, until my apartment building's fire alarm went off, and kept going off, and wouldn't stop, despite the lack of flames or smoke. I called the non-emergency emergency line and let them know the situation. They sent over a firetruck, and then I don't know what happened because we left before my eardrums could bleed anymore. I assume they got it sorted out because by the time we got back home 12 hours later, everything was back to normal. Good times!

We drove up to Northridge with fire alarm bells still ringing in our ears. We stopped for a minute at the Northridge Fashion Center and got some goodies from Hot Topic, which was having a buy one, get one 50% off sale, and Claire's, which was having a literally-everything-for-$5-or-less sale. Then we went to the art gallery at Cal State Northridge, where they were having a reception for their new Jack Kirby exhibit. It was pretty cool; they had a ton of his original art from a bunch of comics. Later, we went to Santa Clarita for a friend's housewarming barbeque.

Sunday was another driving-heavy day! We first went down to Huntington Beach for a toy show that ended up being mainly military models, books, and whatnots. 

Now that's what I'm talking about!

Then we drove alll the way up to Granada Hills and had lunch there. I also stopped in a random Hallmark store and found some Itty Bittys I didn't have, as well as a bunch of classic Beanie Babies! 

Most of these are from the late 90s/early 2000s!

Then we went to our second show of the day - a classic comic convention. It was pretty much just a room full of vendors selling mainly comic books and a few other things. I found a couple comic books, and an old Comic Con exhibit guide from 1996. 

Looking forward to the cooler weather this week after the sweltering weekend in LA!

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