Monday, February 2, 2015

CityWalk Saturday & Game of Thrones on IMax

I used to go to Universal CityWalk with some regularity when I lived in Hollywood. But since we've moved to the west side, the Valley is a much longer trek than it used to be. On Saturday, we had tickets to HBO's special screening of two Game of Thrones episodes in IMax at the theater there, so we made the journey! It was a bit crowded, as it usually is. We saw several quincenera parties, which I swear happens every single time we go there. CityWalk is the ideal place to turn 15, I guess.

The episodes they screened were the final two of last season - Episode 9, "Watchers on the Wall" and Episode 10, "The Children". It was a different experience seeing them on the big screen (and a super huge one, at that!) compared to watching them at home. They looked really amazing!! The drama was bigger and the violence was violenter! At the end, they gave us a sneak peek at the upcoming season. It was literally just brief 1 second clips so I have no idea what happened.

Afterwards we had a late lunch/early dinner at Karl Strauss. The weather was nice, so we sat on their outdoor patio and watched little kids run in and out of the nearby water fountain like it was the most fun thing on earth. I had a surprisingly yummy Habanero Jack Chicken sandwich. It was only a little bit spicy, but the red pepper smear was absolutely delicious. It definitely goes to the top of my short list of acceptable places to eat at CityWalk.

Before we left, we also checked out a couple of the fun toy stores, a comic shop called Things From Another World that had moved into a new, bigger location, and my favorite store, Lush - if you're not familiar with them, check them out. They have a ton of lovely smelling soaps and bath bombs and a bunch of other fun things. You can smell the store for like 100 yards in all directions, so it's never hard to find.

It was a fun Saturday at CityWalk! We'll have to go back sometime to go to Universal Studios, since they've added several rides and attractions in the past couple years!

The view from the parking garage!

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