Thursday, December 10, 2015

Things I Love Thursday - Grateful Edition

I've been feeling a bit down in the dumps lately. While thinking about ways to make myself feel better, I remembered reading that people who write down what they're grateful for are generally happy people. So, I decided to do just that.

When I think about my life, so many of the basic things I have I completely take for granted, but they're so essential. Here are just a few of the things I need to remember when I'm feeling like everything sucks.

*I'm grateful for my body and it's lack of disabilities. I take the stairs in my office building everyday, and work out several times a week. I'm so lucky to have a working, strong body that doesn't limit me in any way.

*I'm grateful for my car. Especially in LA, it could be debilitating to be without a car. Even though it's nearly 10 years old, it's in perfect working condition and I love it.

*I'm grateful for my job. There are so many people who work so hard and get paid so little; I'm very lucky to have a decent job that pays well that doesn't stress me out too badly.

*I'm grateful that I'm not living paycheck to paycheck. If an emergency came up, I wouldn't be totally screwed. That's a luxury a lot of people don't have.

So there's a handful of pretty simple things I'm really grateful for. I feel a lot better now. Going forward, I think I'm going to do this for my weekly Things I Love Thursday feature. Don't worry, I'm starting a new feature called Friday Faves for products and such that I love.

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