Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2015 Look Back, 2016 Goals!

I've always said I'm not really one for New Year's resolutions. That being said, I think that a year is a great span of time by which to measure your accomplishments, and I also really like the idea of setting an intention to keep with you the whole year.

2015 was a pretty good year for me. My main goal was to get outside my comfort zone, and I did just that, by joining Toastmasters, Geek Girl Brunch, and just generally trying to make more friends at work. (Getting a new job was also one of my goals, and I ended up accomplishing that right before 2015 even started!)  I'm also really proud of the work I did on my blog and with my eBay business.

For 2016, I'd like to pretty much continue trying to be a better me, etc.

eBay: I want to continue to expand my eBay business, and get more into the flipping side of it. I have a ton of inventory still to list, though, which is great, but I definitely want to branch out further.

Blog: I'd like to make sure to post regularly, expand my readership, and maybe get my own domain.

Working out: Pretty much a stereotype at this point, but of course, as usual, I'd like to get into the habit (and STAY in the habit) of working out regularly. 

Volunteering: I'm going to start volunteering at a local animal shelter. They need help with their weekend adoptions, and with socializing their animals. It's really more like this for me, though:

Cleaning: I'd like to really sort through all my stuff, and downsize as much as possible. I recently read about this book called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and it really sparked something in me. Minimalism isn't really a thing I can do, but I want to get rid of things that I'm hanging onto 'just in case' so I can have room for the things I actually need and want.

I'm keeping track of these goals by using a Trello board. I have a card for each of these goals, and under each card, I have actions to do towards achieving those goals. And then I further list them out to what I want to get accomplished each month, so I also give myself a timetable for getting these things done.

So those are my goals for the next calendar year! What are some of your goals for 2016?

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