Thursday, January 7, 2016

Things I Love Thursday - El Nino Edition

*Rainstorms! You may have heard El Nino is hitting Los Angeles right now. I'm totally fine with this, because I love the rain! Not just the light, mist of rain we normally get every several months, but huge downpours, the kind you can hear indoors and against your window. I want thunderstorms with flashes of lightning after rolling roars of thunder. So that's one thing I'm enjoying this fine Thursday.

*And on that note, rainbows! I saw the rainbow in the picture above, and then the very next day, saw yet another rainbow! It's a different kind of double rainbow!

This is not my bed.
*Comfy cozy beds, fluffy pillows, and soft blankets. Sooo cozy.

*Eyeshadow palletes! No brand in particular, just a lovely pallette with rows and rows of pretty colors. I've had a different color eyeshadow on every day this week. Plus, with all those colors, it's easier to look all fancy with your dark color on the outside, light color on the inside eyelids.

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