Thursday, June 30, 2011

5 Acts of Nature...

That Changed the Face of the Planet!

This list is somewhat reassuring, oddly. If all these crazy things have happened to the planet, then all the stuff that's going on now with earthquakes and tsunamis and volcanoes is just a normal part of how nature works. And NOT signs of the apocalypse or anything other stupid thing crazy people are claiming.

Cracked is totally my new favorite website, btw.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Earless Is The New Earful

The bunny has no ears!

I don't know how to feel about this. On one hand, this is terrible... but on the other hand, this is adorable!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Boot Camp

Today was the last class of my first Boot Camp session!! It’s been so great, and really challenging. It’s such a great work out. Working out in a group makes me feel like I need to push myself more to keep up with everyone else. Plus, this way I don’t have to go to a gym or something and try to figure out what to do myself.

I feel so much more in shape than I was when I started, and I’ve been eating a lot healthier as well. I’ve lot a bit of weight and have more energy. I even signed up for the next session, along with a couple of my co-workers!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dodger Game

Last week, my office took a work field trip to see a Dodger game! I’ve never seen a baseball game before, so this was a brand new experience for me. We had pretty decent seats that were in the shade, thankfully, since it was pretty warm out in the sun!

We had a ton of great food to eat, include the world famous Dodger Dogs! The Dodgers unfortunately lost the game, but everyone had a great time hanging out outside of the office on a workday!