Friday, January 16, 2015

5 Fandom Friday: Conventions I've Been To Or Wish To Attend

This is my first 5 Fandom FridayThe Nerdy Girlie, the blogger who started it, posted hers, and since I love conventions (and fandoms!), it inspired me to write this post.

I've been to a TON of conventions over the years, so here are a few of the ones I love, and a few that I'd like to attend!

1. First, of course, is the mother of them all - San Diego Comic Con. I've attended for the last 12 years! There's nothing else like it and thank goodness for that. It's so big it's spilled out into the surrounding area. Even if I didn't get tickets one year (oh god, knock on wood, don't jinx yourself!!), I would still go and just check out all the outside happenings. If you want to have a similar but way less hassle-y experience, try their sister show, WonderCon, in Anaheim. Ton of great panels, a terrific exhibit floor, and lots of celebrity guests; way less lines.

2. Comikaze is a great LA-based con that's really taken off since it launched just a few years ago. I would say it's a fairly unique show, and has a lot of cool aspects to it. Being in LA, they manage to get quite a few celebrity guests, of course; I feel like I haven't gone to a ton of panels at this one though. The exhibit floor is always packed with awesome goodies though.

3. I attended one Star Wars Celebration many years ago, when it took place in LA. It's going to be in Anaheim in April this year, so obviously I'm going. We bought our tickets literally like a year and a half ago, and now it's almost here and I'm very excited! It's bound to be absolutely amazing with the new films coming out now.

4. We attended our first Emerald City Comic Con in 2014. It was the first con I've been to outside of California! It kicked off a string of quite a few out-of-state cons that we went to last year. 

5. I don't know a whole lot about New York Comic Con, but it seems like it's pretty cool, and I've never been to New York City before.

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