Thursday, April 10, 2014

Bar(re) Hopping

About a year ago, I decided to purchase a Groupon for a series of Bar Method classes. I didn't really know what to expect aside from a really hard, if not graceful, workout. I ended up really really enjoying them, and not only went back for more after my Groupon was used up, but also I checked out some other versions of barre classes.

Bar or Barre classes are a ballet-inspired group class all about sculpting your body, mainly through the repetition of tiny movements. Much of class takes place holding a bar, but you don't have to be a ballet dancer, or even very graceful, to take these classes. I've seen women (and one guy!) of all shapes and ages and levels of fitness!

There are a bunch of studios around LA. So far I’ve tried 3 varieties - Bar Method, Pure Barre, and Cardio Barre. I think there's also something called Pop Physique but I haven't tried that one yet. There's probably other ones I'm not even aware of yet as well.

I was so intimidated walking into my first Bar Method class. It does take a couple classes to get into it and really learn the moves. One thing I like a lot about Bar Method is their emphasis on correct form. The instructors will always come around and correct you, which is awesome and something I've seen less of at other places. Their big thing is the 'tuck', which means to tuck your tailbone under your spine, basically. It takes some getting used to, but it takes pressure off your spine and engages your core muscles. Their other thing is the leg shake. Your legs will literally start to shake and you will wonder if it's possible for body parts to have seizures independent of the rest of your body. This is a good thing, apparently. You are 'turning muscles on', and also 'this is where the change happens'. Or so I repeatedly heard during class. I mean, sure, sometimes it's so hard that you want to start crying right there at the barre, but it gets better! Eventually... If you've done it right, you will hurt afterwards. For a long time. But in a good way. I was hooked.

I also tried out Pure Barre. I found those classes to be kind of okay, they were just a little too complicated for me. They used all these stretchy bands and stuff, sometimes attached to the bar, and then doing a bunch of different things things at once. I'm just not that coordinated. Doesn't mean it's a bad work out, it just doesn't work for me personally. There's a reason I don't do Zumba and stuff, and it's because I don't know how to move my arms and legs at the same time. It was still a good workout, I just felt clunky doing it.

RIght now, I'm doing Cardio Barre classes. They're a little more ballet centric, mixed in with some pilates and good-old-fashioned aerobics. The class size is huge, though, so there's not really any individualized attention from the instructor. There's more graceful arm motions, and pointing of the feet, and other graceful ballet-y stuff like that. I do feel like I'm getting a great, total body workout there.

You can also find some good Barre videos on YouTube. Here are a couple of my favorite videos that I turn to between classes.

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