Thursday, May 14, 2015

Things I Love Thursday - Maxasorb Melatonin, Beautiful Creatures, Adovia Dead Sea Mud Mask

Vita Sciences Maxasorb Melatonin Cream!

I sometimes go through periods where it's really hard for me to fall asleep. I've tried taking melatonin pills, and that usually helps a lot.
Melantonin is the thing that helps regulate your sleep cycle and is typically recommended for insomniacs.

Vita Sciences sent me their Maxasorb Melatonin Cream to try. Instead of taking a pill to get your melatonin on, you just rub it on your arms and legs before bedtime, so not only are you getting sleep help, you're also getting softer skin, since it's got aloe and vitamin E! It not only helps you fall asleep faster, it'll also help you feel less fatigued during the day, which I pretty much always do.

After putting it on, I definitely did feel sleepier faster, and I think I had deeper sleep than I would have had otherwise. It doesn't immediately make you feel tired, it's sort of gradual, which is the way falling asleep should be anyway.

Beautiful Creatures!

Beautiful Creatures is, I suppose you could say, just one in a long line of supernatural romance YA books. No vampires or werewolves here, though, just witches, or as they prefer to be called 'casters'. I read it on the plane back from the Dominican Republic, and couldn't put it down, even though I had plenty of other books, movies, games, and TV at my disposal! It's told from the perspective of Ethan, a teenager who has lived in this small Southern town his whole life when a mysterious teenage girl shows up. The girl, Lena, is from a family of casters who go good or bad when they turn 16 - no choice in the matter, they just arbitrarily are light or dark. Lena is terrified of turning dark, like her cousin did, and her uncle is desperate to keep her safe. It took a little while to get into, but once I did, I really enjoyed it. It's the first in a 4 book series called The Caster Chronicles

Adovia Purifying Dead Sea Mud Mask!

Dead Sea mud masks are so hot right now! And they should be, they're super awesome. I really like this one from Adovia. It goes on nice and thick, which I love. I want a face mask to feel like an actual mask; that's how I know it's working! This one unclogs your pores, leaving your face more youthful and clear looking! It reduces blackheads and blemishes and helps with oily skin. I definitely noticed my skin looking glowier after using it. I think this one is my new go-to face mask!

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