Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Comic Con 2013, Part the First

Okay, rather than make a huge long post about all the Comic Con goodness, I’m going to spread it out and write about one day each day. Starting with Wednesday:

View from the balcony of our beautiful condo.

Actually, okay, starting with Tuesday night because that’s when I got to San Diego, and that’s when Comic Con officially starts, when you enter San Diego. In hindsight, I should have taken a half day at work, because it would have been a lot nicer to drive during the daylight hours. Instead, I left at 5 as usual, and left my apartment at 7:30. I had to take 4 loads of stuff down to the car, that’s part of why it took so long to get going. With a quick stop to drop off my bunny, I ended up getting to San Diego around 10:45. We (meaning me, my mom, my aunt, my best friend, and my boyfriend) rented a condo in the Gaslamp District, just a couple blocks from the convention center. I can’t stress enough how nice it is when the convention center is just a couple minutes away, rather than having to worry about waiting for a bus or train!! Not to mention, it’s nice to be able to go back to the condo for lunch, or to take a quick breather away from the crowds.

On Wednesday morning, my mom and my aunt and I went to pick up my bff Erin from the airport. Shortly after that, we took a several mile trek to the Town & Country hotel to get our badges. As there is no rest for the wicked, we then immediately went over to the convention center to sign up for our volunteer time. We strolled into Preview Night a short time after it had already started. It was, as usual, packed like a sardine can. Some highlights of Preview Night include:

  • This super cute Lego Yoda:

  • The Big Bang Theory artwork area:

  • This super happy Hulk I bought:

  • Also, something called a Critter Drop, which warrants a whole separate post!

We didn't stay until the end of the night (9pm!) like we were planning because walking that whole exhibit hall area is probably the equivalent of like 5 miles. At least 5. And it was SO crowded, which is to be expected, of course, but that doesn't make it less exhausting! Also? There's no real way to prepare for that. You can walk a bunch to get in shape, wear comfortable shoes, but you just can't experience the crush of 25,000 people in very many other places.

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