Thursday, March 5, 2015

Things I Love Thursday!

I'm bringing back 'Things I Love Thursday's! Here are a few things that gave me joy this week!

Cheddar Bacon Mac & Cheese!

It's mac & cheese, now in chip form! Mac & cheese is my favorite thing that exists, and can somehow be even better with bacon. They've come out with a lot of crazy flavors lately, and some of them completely miss the mark, but these were actually quite good! They really did taste a bit like bacon and mac and cheese!

Cake Batter Flavored Chapstick!

I am OB-SESSED with cake batter flavored Chapstick. It smells so GOOD! I used to be all about that Burt's Bees, but now this Chapstick is my jam! It's a limited edition, so I bought like 10 packs of 3 at Target, so I should probably be set for a little while.

Lovebird Squishable!

I've recently begun collecting Squishables, along with a bajillion other cute things I collect. When they released this colorful cutie in a limited release, I knew I immediately had to have one. Look at that cute pink face! He's sooo soft and cuddly. 
The Selection series by Kiera Cass

I can't remember where/who recommended The Selection series to me, because it's been on my 'to read' list for a little while. On a whim, I decided to start reading, and I could barely put it down. Set in a dystopian future where America got take over by China, got their freedom back, and became a monarchy for some reason. Citizens are sorted into castes based on their professions. When the prince comes of age, women from every caste are chosen to compete to become his wife, the new princess. It's kind of like a cross between the Hunger Games and the Bachelor. It's a series of 3 books, with another book coming out soon that is set in the future. There are also 4 novellas describing parts of the story from various other character's perspectives. 

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