Thursday, March 12, 2015

Things I Love Thursday!

Here are some of my fave things this week!

Iron Man Concept Series Action Figure!

How awesome is this?! It's basically Iron Man cosplaying as Captain America. I picked this baby up at a parking lot sale at Earth 2 comics in Sherman Oaks last weekend. There should be more action figures cosplaying as other characters...

InstaNatural's Scar Gel!

I received this to review, and ended up loving it so much! I'm pretty skeptical about scar removal stuff, but I dutifully put this gel on some acne scars on my chin. Within about a week, the lighter ones were almost gone, and the darker ones were less vivid! It contains Epidermal Growth Factor, which is a naturally occurring protein that stimulates the healing process, plus other ingredients to help restore healthy skin and minimize external damage. The gel is brown in color, but it's nearly odorless and goes on clear, so it's perfect to put on under makeup as well as before bed. I read it's also good for stretch marks, so I'm going to try and fade those marks next.

InstaNatural's Vitamin C Serum!

Another InstaNatural product from I loved was their Vitamin C serum. It prevents aging and wrinkles by nourishing and strengthening the skin. In addition to vitamin C, it's got all kinds of great oils like argan oil, rosehip oil, and carrot seed oil (I'm all about the oils lately - gotta use oil on oily skin like mine) I loved the smell of this serum - it smells just like orange juice! I also loved the consistency of it - it's not liquidy, but also not creamy; it somehow just stays in a perfect teardrop shape when I put a dab of it on my fingertip from the eyedropper it comes with. My skin feels brighter and softer already!

InstaNatural  Youth Express EyeGel!

I use these two things in combination with their EyeGel for maximum awesomeness! Gotta keep these eye bags in check. It's got those good plant stem cells to keep your skin protected from the harsh world. I actually use this all over my face. It's nice and thick, but it absorbs quickly and doesn't leave your skin feeling gross.

Disclaimer: I received products from InstaNatural for free for testing purposes.

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