Monday, February 1, 2016

January Accomplishments, February Goals!

Okay, wow, I can't believe it's February already!! I had so many plans for January, but ended up accomplishing... not as much as I had hoped.

Here's what I did manage to do:
**Worked out about 13 times. I was hoping for 20.
**I had a bit of a blogging slump and only blogged 4 times! Yikes!! 
**Unsubscribed from a bunch of Twitters, Facebook pages, Instagrams, blogs, email newsletters, etc.
**I did get a lot of stuff listed and ready to be listed on eBay. I even made a promotional sale for about 30 of my items for the first time.
**Konmari-ed my bathroom, and about half of my closet. I wanted to get through my closet entirely, but that just didn't happen.
**Read 2 books.

Here's what I'm going to do this month! 
**Hit that 20 workouts goal this month. I'm mostly sort of back into the habit of working out, just need to make sure to do it regularly.
**Blog 14 times. I've got some ideas for some posts, so I just need to get my momentum back. 
**Read before bed. I used to do this, and it felt so relaxing to read a real book for 30 minutes before sleeping. 
**Give a speech at Toastmasters this month. I've got a couple ideas, I just need to flesh them out and see which one I will go with first.
**Finish Konmari-ing my closet, and get to work on my dressers, and then rest of my bedroom.
**Continue to list, list, list eBay stuff. Get through my backlog of stuff that keeps growing the more I Konmari the apartment!
**Volunteer at a local animal shelter. 
**See all/most of the Oscar-nommed movies.

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