Thursday, February 11, 2016

New Stuff, Awesome Stuff, & Rain at Disneyland!

Last weekend, I went to Disneyland, which is not terribly unusual except this time, I went with my mom and my aunt, which made this trip particularly special. Plus, my mom had not been to Disneyland in many years. We went for 3 days straight, which is a feat I haven't even attempted in quite some time! 

I've written about Disneyland several times before, so here are just a few things I took note of this time:

*In the queue for Star Tours, the baggage handler droid makes a lot of references to Disney movies! You even seen some things, like Genie's lamp from Aladdin and a Goofy hat, in the x-ray machine.

*Speaking of Star Tours! They've added more new elements than just the new The Force Awakens scene. There are now different versions of each scenario! I rode twice in a row, and got the Naboo sequence each time. However, the end was slightly different. {SPOILER ALERT} When Star Tours crashes into the yellow ship, the tip of it either smashes through the window, or breaks and falls off. I can't wait to see what other differences there are!!

*You can find random live music or skits happening almost anywhere at any time. I love it because it adds even more magic to your day.

*There's a tiny mountain range in the Storybook Land ride, I believe around the Pinnochio area, above which you can see the Matterhorn, and it looks like it's actually part of it. Geez, those Imagineers think of everything!!!

* Also on the Storybook Land ride, we got stuck for a few minutes right outside the Frozen/Arendelle area. Well, a little way past it, outside Wandering Oaken's Trading Post. Once every 30 seconds or so, you could hear, 'Yoo hoo!' coming from it. It made us crack up!

*There are so many amazing ear hats these days. I remember when it was just the very basic black ones. Maybe a sorcerer hat or some Tigger ears. Now, there's ears for every movie, character, and occasion. Check out these Little Mermaid beauties:

*Another thing I noticed? This train going around one of the areas in the Disney Emporium store on Main Street. Has this always been here?! It reminded me of a certain room in the Disney Dream Suite...

*On to California Adventure! We saw this super cool duck just chilling in the cone fountain in Cars Land, taking a shower and living his best life. I took more pictures of this duck than of anything else ever.

*Who knew that there was an area of anything Disney-related that I hadn't experienced yet?! But apparently there's an area in the Animation Academy called Beast's Library that I somehow managed to never hear of until recently. Seems not many other people know about it either, because it wasn't very crowded when we checked it out. It looks like a gigantic library, with the enchanted rose from Beauty and the Beast above a fireplace. Also, there are magical books that will show you what Disney character you're most like.

*We also spent some time in Downtown Disney. I haven't been to the Lego Store there in quite some time, and it's really changed! I loved this display of a Lego guy made up of Lego figures!

*We took the Walk in Walt's Disneyland Footsteps tour, which of course I've already done, so I knew my mom and my aunt would love it. Most of it was pretty similar to the first time I took the tour, but it was cool to go on it again. Some of it was rerouted somewhat due to parts of Frontierland being closer, as well as it being a very crowded day that day.

*Our last day there, it rained! Disneyland in the rain is definitely something to experience. The rain came down pretty hard at times, and it was pretty windy. It was much less crowded than the previous day, which was nice, but my feet ended up being completely soaked through, and it's not like I had an umbrella on me or anything! It was cold and wet, but it was a new experience at least, so there's that.

*We didn't end up staying the whole day, because, hello, rain. On the way out, I saw Chip and Dale being adorable with a little kid. They even splashed around in some puddles! Adorable.

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